Important life skills students should learn before going to college

This is a list of the skills that I think are important for high school students to learn before they go off to college. Each of these skills will help them be more successful in college and beyond.


How to stick to a budget 


A budget is the best way to make sure you're spending your money wisely and not falling into debt. The first step is figuring out how much money you have coming in each month, then looking at all of your expenses—like rent or mortgage payments, food, utilities, and transportation costs—and seeing if there's anything that can be cut down. From there, it's important to make sure you're saving at least 10% of everything you earn for emergencies and unexpected expenses.


Once you've got that system set up, it's time to start sticking with it! That might sound like common sense (and it is), but many people find themselves using credit cards more freely than they should because they don't know where else to turn when the cash runs low or an emergency strikes. You should be able to live within your means while still being able to enjoy life. 





How to speak up for yourself 


One of the most important life skills students should learn before they enter college is how to speak up for themselves. Speaking up in class or with peers requires practice, just like anything else. You can start small by practicing speaking up with your friends, then move on to speak up in front of a small audience such as a group discussion. Once you feel comfortable speaking up freely at home and around people you know, it's time to conquer that big scary audience: the classroom!


Practice asking questions in class and making comments during discussions. It'll help build confidence in your abilities so when it is time for an exam or project presentation, nothing will hold you back from being able to ask questions or present ideas confidently and successfully!


 How to take notes in class 


A note-taking system that is easy to use and understand will help you keep track of your class material. It's important to distinguish between the most important things, so I recommend using abbreviations and symbols rather than writing out full words. For example, instead of writing "the," you could write "th." This saves time without sacrificing clarity. You should also take notes on what seems important.


 Managing your time 


The ability to manage one's time is one of the most important skills a student can have. Time management is more than just planning out your days and weeks—it involves learning how to make the most of your time, whether it's in school or at home.


When learning how to manage your time, there are several things you should keep in mind:


Don't procrastinate—this will only make things worse! If you need help moving on with an assignment or task, ask for help from friends or family members who may be able to assist with research or brainstorming ideas.


Learn how much work is reasonable for each day; don't feel pressured into doing more than what is required of you by your professor's syllabus or workload chart (if applicable). Your goal should be maintaining a balance between work and play so that no matter where life takes you next, this skill will come in handy!




At the end of the day, students want to know that their time at school is well spent. This means learning how to manage their time and mainge sure they get everything done on time, so teachers need to teach these skills. The life skills listed above can help you succeed in college and beyond!


At Senthil Public School, teachers teach skills from time management to developing soft skills. The very life skills that every student needs to succeed in college and beyond! Students get a wide range of exposure and opportunities in the top cbse school in Salem.


Find out more about Senthil Public School, one of the best CBSE schools in Salem. Register for the upcoming academic year at the school website. Contact today!


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